Over 300 students submitted writing for the Do the Write Thing contest. The students were allowed to use any form of written expression (e.g., essays, poems, plays, or songs) as long as the language was positive and not derogatory. The submissions were to address the
following three questions:
o How has violence affected my life?
o What are the causes of youth violence?
o What can I do about youth violence?
Max Giles placed in the top 5 five boys in the state and Alexis Burbank placed in the top 5 girls in the state. Both were invited to Helena for the state celebration on May 4th where they toured the capital and were served lunch. All students read their entries to the audience. At which time, one boy and one girl were chosen to represent Montana at the national convention in Washington DC this summer. Their submissions will be published and placed in the library of Congress. Alexis Burbank was the girl chosen to represent Montana this year.